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Close-up view of a bed bug in the Greater DC and Baltimore areas

What is a Bed Bug?

A bed bug is a type of parasite that feeds on blood. This bug has a round body and is reddish brown. Bed bugs have more of a red hue just after they’ve feasted on human blood. Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures and are active at night, but will hide during the day. This is how they’re able to feed while individuals are asleep.

Where do Bed Bugs Live?

They are called bed bugs because they live in small tight places and can easily live in the seams and crevices of a mattress. Bed bugs also live in suitcases, pillows, chairs, and other places where humans may settle. Bed bugs, unlike fleas and ticks, do not live on their host. They simply bite and return to a safe harbor such as a bed, pillow, or piece of furniture.

How Do Bed Bugs Bite?

A bed bug bites by inserting its mouth into the skin of a mammal and drinking blood. A welt on the skin will begin to show up a few days to a week later. This is because when a bed bug bites, it secretes fluid into the skin of its host. That fluid then reacts to the skin and causes a welt.
A bed bug will typically not bite just one. It will usually bite several times and the bites will be in a cluster or a line. Bed bug bites may not show up right away. Their bites could take up to a week to blister the skin, depending on how the individual reacts to the fluid that has been secreted.

What Are Some Features of Bed Bug Bites?

  • Raised mark or blister on the skin
  • Itching and burning
  • Mild pain
  • Could be in a row
  • Could be in a zigzag pattern

How to Differentiate Between Bed Bug Bites and Flea Bites

Bed Bug Bites

  • Swollen, raised red spots
  • Appear in a line or a row (usually)
  • Itch but have no dark spot in the center.
  • Gradually itch.

Flea Bites

  • Resemble mosquito bites
  • In the shape of a dot
  • Itch right away.
  • Can become an open sore.

Bed Bug Look-Alikes

Beware the imposter. Mites, baby cockroaches, and carpet beetles can be mistaken for bed bugs. The reverse is also true. When in doubt, call in the professionals.

How to Differentiate Between Bed Bug Bites and Spider Bites

Bed Bug Bites

  • Look like swollen red spots
  • Gradual swelling over time
  • Multiple bites in a row
  • Increasingly common
  • Itching and burning are the main symptoms.

Spider Bites

  • Two small holes or puncture wounds
  • Usually only one bite
  • Rarer than bed bug bites
  • Include other symptoms such as nausea, body aches, and muscle cramping.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

Nearly anyone can get bed bugs. Since bed bugs like to hide, they can be easily transported in luggage or on clothing. They are very skilled at finding places to hide, so professionals should be brought in to assist once the first sign of bedbugs is detected.

What Dangers are Associated with Bed Bugs?

The only real dangers associated with bed bugs are those of reinfestation and secondary infection. Hiring a pest control organization will help to guard against re-infestation. Secondary infection should be treated by a doctor, but a bite would rarely turn into an infection.

What’s the Best Way to Treat Bed Bugs?

  • Wash Gently with Soap and Water
  • Apply anti-itch creams such as cortisone or allergy cream.

If there are worse issues than a basic bite, such as an infection, pus, or fever, see a doctor right away.

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Unfortunately, bed bugs are extremely difficult to remove from a home. The first thing to do is call a pest control company such as All Star Pest Management. Pest control companies have the proper tools and methods to rid your home of bed bugs. There are several methods available, but the task should ultimately be handled by a professional organization.

All Star Pest Management

In the greater D.C. and Baltimore, MD area, your obvious choice for pest control is All Star Pest Management. Don’t mess around with bed bugs. If you see one, there are more, and you need help as soon as possible. We work throughout Howard, Baltimore, Prince Georges, and Ann Arundel Counties. At All Star Pest Management, we use the most conservative but effective practices to rid your home of unwanted pests thoroughly but safely. We use green products to give you the safest insect removal techniques possible. To contact All Star Pest Management, visit our website to book an appointment, or call (410) 505-4759.